Speaking of Halloween, you ended up having 2 different costumes -- I told you mommy & daddy were indecisive. We went to "Boo at the Zoo" at Mesker Zoo a couple week before Halloween and you were an adorable little bumble bee! But your wings broke that night - and without the wings the costume really didn't look like a bee anymore - so on Halloween you were a giraffe! Mommy had a dentist appointment that morning and everyone in the office went crazy over you! You are the biggest charmer I've ever seen in my life. Halloween was much more fun for you this year because you actually got some candy! :) Oh and next year will be so much fun -- I'm sure we'll take you trick-or-treating for real then. And you'll actually have an opinion about your costume.. why do I have a feeling you'll be Elmo? :)
Over the past month you have started giving hugs, holding up your index finger when someone asks you how old you are, holding your head when asked where you head is, and waving while saying "bye bye." I may be a little biased, but I think you are an incredibly smart little girl. Destined for big things in your life...
We recently started going to library story time together and you absolutely love it! The session we go to on Wednesday mornings is for 1-2 year olds. There actually isn't a story that's read - they understand you guys don't have the longest attention span yet - but there are lots of fun songs and age appropriate activities. You love playing with kids your own age, especially now that you're walking and can keep up with them! It's definitely something we'll be going to every week. :)
Your current favorite things: your new car seat, "helping" mommy fold laundry, going to Weight Watchers meetings with mommy & daddy (everyone there LOVES you), Cheetos, Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street, root beer (you had a few sips of daddy's last week and the reaction was amazing!), your new Stride to Ride dinosaur, spending time outside, pineapple, Sid the Science Kid on PBS, trips to Fresh Market with mommy, and playing with daddy's belts and hats.
We have a big month coming up! Next week we'll be traveling down to Owensboro, KY to see Sesame Street Live. We bought meet & greet passes so you can hopefully meet your beloved Elmo! We also have front row seats for the show, so the whole gang will literally be right in front of you. Mommy and daddy are really excited about seeing your reaction to everything that night!
Then we have Thanksgiving, which we'll spend in New Harmony with Grandma Arlene. You absolutely love her house because there's so much room for you to walk/explore there! And you are very curious about her two cats, Revco and Lily.
We'll be traveling up to Bloomington on the Saturday after Thanksgiving for the big IU/Purdue football game! I love our trips up to Bloomington with you, Caroline. Mommy and daddy have so many memories there and we really treasure making some with you now. Seeing you decked out in IU gear makes me so proud -- maybe someday we'll be coming up to Bloomington to visit you in school. :)
Should be a fun/exciting month, munchkin! We love you! Here are some recent pictures from the past month:

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